It is in the nature of a Phoenix to rise from ashes. And every time The Phoenix reconfigures, it re-surfaces in its 'truest essence', it remembers who it truly is and realigns itself to its immediate environment like an amoeba. The Phoenix re-presents itself after every crisis. It takes a 'new shape' to be as relevant in a forever evolving world, and continues attracting unprecedented opportunities.
The Divine Flow Re-branding Intervention, by Phoenix TalentX Branding, aims to RESURRECT ENTREPRENEURS, like you. The intervention re-aligns your image and re-alters your business plans. It is designed like a Brand Reconfiguration Workshop. It first UNEARTHS your special gifts, CRYSTALLIZES these gifts into your personal brand and then TRANSLATES them into your business brand. Thereby AMPLIFYING your business outcomes.
Background: It is a tried and tested model and one that arrived as a consequence of lots of meditative introspection during the 2020 lock-down. This model is truly guided by a Higher-Self and is a give-back to all those entrepreneurs who are re-emerging from a personal or professional crisis. It is our reason for being, the purpose that continues to guides us. It bodes testimony to a journey we are always on... of self-enquiry, of self-discovery and of self-realization... that eventually leads us to re-cognize our true potential and live our true brand essence every moment of our personal and professional lives.
So, where are you on your journey?
Do you often think about new-generation businesses? new-untapped markets? new ideas? new products? scaling-up your high-growth business? mistakes you made that need course-correction? repositioning your brand? reorienting your business for a world where disruption, reinvention is the new constant?
Looking for a re-branding coach?
A guide who can unearth your special gifts? Who can show you possibilities that you never thought about? Who can help you cross self-created barriers? Who can transform not only your personal brand but also your business brand? Who can help you transcend the next wave? Who can help you ‘Be’ – be the brand that you always wanted to be!

The Divine Flow Brand Intervention, is akin to an EARTH-SHAKING experience.
It shakes your thinking, your being, your personal beliefs, your business model. It opens doors you never thought existed. It re-presents your personal and business brands in ways you never imagined. It not only re-positions you but also re-alters your image in your sphere of influence i.e. your personal and professional network of high-net worth individuals with a circuit of opportunities, funding, expertise. (all waiting to be tapped into)
It elevates your league.
The Divine Flow RE-BIRTHS YOU!
...is to realign your personal and professional brands: But why are they critical to connect?
“Your business brand is an EXTENSION of your personal brand essence”
Therefore its very important to unearth your true brand essence and then translate it into your core business brand.
Result? A UNIFIED BRAND PROPOSITION that presents you in a “NEW LIGHT” and AMPLIFIES your business outcomes
How do we do it?
We typically run a 3 day brand reconfiguration exercise. The first session is BRAND ADVISORY:
Day 1: rethink your self, rewire your brand image
Day 2: regain clarity, refine the business (s)
Day 3: re-strategize with new awareness
Then we move on to REWIRING your BRAND ARCHES and provide all kinds of professional marketing and advertising services to:
Rebrand: your company name, logo, tagline, punchlines, pitches, office spaces
Redesign: websites, digital platforms, social media, PR strategy
Reprint, redo brand collateral: business cards, stationery, brochures, packaging, gifting, hoardings, videos, advertising etc.)

What does The Divine Flow do for you?
This guided re-branding intervention allows you to…
Remember who you truly are
Meet your true brand essence
Experience brand flowering
Shine your shine
Feel empowered
Be miles ahead
Feel liberated
Be joyful

This intervention is custom-designed for small medium enterprise owners, entrepreneurs. It is a truly guided experience and you will sign-up only if you are meant to and it is your time to rise and shine.
If you ever feel the calling to Resurrect, book your session with amandeep@phoenixtalentxbranding.com